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Any Type of Loss

Whether it be the loss of a family member, a breakup, a celebrity death, or even a drop in grades... any type of loss can lead to feelings of humiliation, shame, and depression.

Weapons in the Area

Being surrounded by accessible guns or other weapons can be a huge risk factor. They can not only lead to thoughts of suicide, but make it very easy for those trying to hurt themselves.

Mental Illness

Those with mental illness are extremely susceptible to suicidal thoughts or actions. Depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, addiction, and many more can lead to a significant increase in risk.

What are risk factors?

Risk factors are those which may increase the chance of suicide occuring. Some important ones include a recent loss, prevalance of weapons in the home, and more. Read some of the most significant ones below.

What are risk factors and what are some examples?: FAQ
What are risk factors and what are some examples?: CV
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